{{ 'SHOW_CART' | translate }} >

{{total | currency:"$"}}


{{eventInfo.startDateUnix | localeLongDate:currentLanguage : 'LLL' : eventInfo.eventTimeZone : true}}


{{ 'COUPON-APPLIED' | translate }}

{{ 'INVALID-SECONDARY-COUPON' | translate }}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'FIRST-NAME' | translate}}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

No emails or URLs allowed

{{ 'IDENT.NAME_CHARS_LONG' | translate}}

{{ 'LAST-NAME' | translate}}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

No emails or URLs allowed

{{ 'IDENT.NAME_CHARS_LONG' | translate}}

{{ 'BIRTH-DATE' | translate}}

{{ 'IDENT.RACE_AGE_BETWEEN' | translate:regOptionAgeTranslate }}

{{ 'IDENT.SERIES_RACE_AGE_ERROR' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{'REQUIRED_DATE_FORMAT' | translate:'{format: eventInfo.displayDateFormat}' }}

{{ 'GENDER' | translate}}

{{ 'REG-OPTION-GENDER-ERROR' | translate}}

{{ 'PRIMARY-PHONE' | translate}}

{{ 'PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'NOT-VALID-PHONE-NUMBER' | translate}}

{{ 'EMAIL' | translate}}

{{ 'EMAIL-CONFIRM' | translate}}

{{ 'PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'SAME-EMAIL' | translate}}

{{ 'PARTICIPANT-CONDITION' | translate}}

{{ 'ADDRESS' | translate }}

{{ 'COUNTRY' | translate}}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'STREET' | translate}}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'STREET_2' | translate}}

{{ 'POSTAL-CODE' | translate}}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}} {{ 'VALID-ZIP' | translate}}

{{ 'CITY' | translate}}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'STATE/REGION' | translate}}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'EMERGENCY-CONTACT' | translate }}

{{ 'EMERGENCY-CONTACT' | translate}}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'RELATIONSHIP' | translate}}

{{ 'PHONE' | translate}}

{{ 'PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'NOT-VALID-PHONE-NUMBER' | translate}}

{{ 'CONTACT-CANNOT-BE-EVENT-P' | translate}}

{{ 'DATA-PRIVACY' | translate}}


{{ eventInfo.marketingConsentQuestionText}}


USA Cycling Assumption of Risk, Release of Liability, Covenant Not to Sue and Indemnity Agreement In consideration of USA Cycling (“USAC”) allowing me to participate in any USAC sanctioned event, and all activities related to or connected with such an event, including travel to and from an event (collectively an “Event”), whether as a rider, official, coach, mechanic, volunteer, spectator, or otherwise, I, for myself, my spouse, children, guardians, heirs and next of kin, and any legal and personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, hereby agree as follows:

1. Assumption of Risk. I am aware that cycling and/or participation in an Event, involve inherent risks, including but not limited to collision with pedestrians, vehicles, other participants, animals, and fixed or moving objects; imperfect course conditions; surface hazards, including potholes; equipment failure; inadequate safety equipment; use of equipment or materials provided to me by others; those associated with man-made and natural jumps; sickness or disease (including communicable disease); and weather conditions. I fully understand that participating in an Event is an extreme test of a person’s physical and mental limits and may involve the risk of serious injury or death, economic loss, property damage or loss that may result from my actions, inactions or negligence, and also from the actions, inactions or negligence of others.

2. Release of Liability. I hereby forever release, waive, and discharge USAC, USA Cycling Development Foundation and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, employees, volunteers, independent contractors, members, clubs, officials, event directors, local associations, sponsors and affiliates as well as the UCI, sponsors, organizers, property owners, law enforcement agencies, local governments, and other public entities, connected with an Event, and each of their respective officers, agents, employees, and volunteers (collectively, “Releasees”) from any claims that may arise out of or are related to my participation in an Event, including claims arising from the ordinary negligence of Releasees.

3. Covenant Not to Sue and Indemnity Agreement. I will not make any claim against Releasees for injury, damage, death, or any other loss arising from or related to my participation in an Event. I understand that if I sue Releasees, Releasees may seek to recover all of their costs, including legal fees. I agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Releasees from and against any actions, causes of action, claims, charges, demands, losses, damages, costs, attorney’s fees, judgments, liens, indebtedness, and liabilities of every kind, whether known or unknown, including foreseen or unforeseen bodily injury and property damage that may be sustained by me or any other person in any way connected to, related to, or arising out of my participation in an Event.

4. Health and Medical Treatment. I represent that I am in good health and proper physical condition to participate in an Event safely. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to make such determination and that I am responsible for my well-being while participating in an Event. I consent to receive medical treatment deemed necessary if I am injured or require medical attention during my participation in an Event, and to the release of my name and medical information by any third party to Releasees and their insurance carriers. I understand and agree that I am solely responsible for all costs related to such medical treatment.

5. Rules; Regulations; Equipment. As a condition of participation, I hereby agree to be bound and abide by USAC’s rules, regulations, and policies, including those contained in the USAC Rule Book, Safe Sport Program, Code of Conduct and Bylaws adopted by USAC and as amended from time to time and published at www.usacycling.org. I further agree to be familiar with and abide by the rules and regulations established for an Event, to be familiar with the Event course, and to ride and participate to neither endanger myself nor others. I accept responsibility for the condition and adequacy of my equipment and any equipment provided by others for my use. I will wear a helmet that complies with USAC regulations, and I assume all responsibility for the selection of such a helmet.

6. Anti-doping. I understand and agree that the UCI Anti-Doping Rules and U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) Protocol apply to me. I agree to submit to drug testing. If it is determined I may have committed an anti-doping rule violation, I agree to submit to the results management authority and processes of USADA or the results management authority of the UCI and my national federation. I agree that arbitration is my exclusive remedy under the above rules.

7. Use of Information. I understand that USAC may collect or receive my contact information in connection with this agreement, and use it to administer this agreement and for marketing purposes. I further acknowledge, agree and consent that (a) USAC and its designees may share this information with third parties who need access to this information to perform services on USAC’s behalf, (b) USAC may also share this information with select marketing partners, and (c) USAC and its select marketing partners may use this information to contact me with information and offers believed to be of interest to me.

8. Media Grant. I irrevocably grant and license to USAC and its affiliates, the right to capture and use my image, likeness, name, voice, comments or other proprietary or public rights in any broadcast, telecast, photograph, video, or audio sound recording taken in connection with an Event, without compensation, for all purposes, including any commercial use so long as such use does not imply my endorsement of any company, product or service.

9. Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Severability. This agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of Colorado, without regard to its choice of law rules. Any legal suit, action, or proceeding arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be instituted in the federal court located in Denver, Colorado, or state courts located in Colorado Springs and El Paso County. Each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts in any such suit, action or proceeding. If any provision of this agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of this agreement or invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision in any other jurisdiction. I have carefully read the preceding and understand its terms.

I attest that I am 18 years of age or older (19 if in Alabama). I understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue Releasees for injuries resulting from the inherent risks of cycling and the ordinary negligence of Releasees. I acknowledge that I am signing this agreement freely and voluntarily. I intend my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent permitted by law.

PARENTAL / LEGAL GUARDIAN CONSENT I attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor participant named above. I have carefully read the foregoing and agree to all of the terms.

{{ 'MUST-AGREE' | translate}}

{{ 'MUST-AGREE' | translate}}

{{ 'MUST-AGREE' | translate}}

PAPAGO 6 MTB RACE January 6, 2024

For and in consideration of BlueWolf Events, LLC. (BlueWolf Events, LLC) allowing me, the undersigned, to volunteer in the Papago 6 running event described above (the “Event” or “Events”); I, for myself, and on behalf of my spouse, children, guardians, heirs and next of kin, and any legal and personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, hereby agree to and make the following contractual representations pursuant to this Waiver and Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement (the Agreement”);

1. I hereby represent that (i) I am at least eighteen (18) years of age or older; (ii) I am in good health and in proper physical condition to participate in the Event; and (iii) I am not under the influence of alcohol or any illicit or prescription drugs which would in any way impair my ability to safely participate in the Event. I agree that it is my sole responsibility to determine whether I am sufficiently fit and healthy enough to participate in the Event, that I am responsible for my own safety and well-being at all times and under all circumstances while at the Event site.

2. I understand and acknowledge that participation in Events is inherently dangerous and represents an extreme test of a person’s physical and mental limits. I understand and acknowledge the risks and dangers associated with participation in the Event and related activities, including without limitation, the potential for serious bodily injury, sickness and disease,  permanent disability, paralysis and loss of life; loss of or damage to equipment/property; exposure to extreme conditions and circumstances; contact with other participants, spectators, animals or other natural or manmade objects; dangers arising from adverse weather conditions; imperfect course or track conditions; land, water and surface hazards; equipment failure; inadequate safety measures; participants of varying skill levels; situations beyond the immediate control of the Event Organizers; and other undefined, not readily foreseeable and presently unknown risks and dangers (“Risks”). I understand that these Risks may be
caused in whole or in part by my own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in the Event, or the negligent acts or omissions of the Released Parties defined below, and I hereby expressly assume all such Risks and responsibility for any damages, liabilities, losses or expenses which I incur as a result of my participation in any Event.

3. I agree to be familiar with and to abide by the Rules and Regulations established for the Event, including but not limited to the Competitive Rules adopted by BlueWolf Events and any safety regulations established for the benefit of all participants. I accept sole responsibility for my own conduct and actions while participating in the Event, and the condition and adequacy of my equipment.

4. I hereby Release, Waive and Covenant Not to Sue, and further agree to Indemnify, Defend and Hold Harmless the following parties: BlueWolf Events, LLC.; City of Tempe, AZ; the Event Directors, Organizers and Promoters, Sponsors, Advertisers, Coaches and Officials; the Host Organization and the Facility, Venue and Property Owners (Salt River Project) or Operators upon which the Event takes place; Law Enforcement Agencies and other Public Entities including Yavapai County, its Board, officials, employees, and agents providing support for the Event; and each of their respective parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies, officers, directors, partners, shareholders, members, agents, employees and volunteers (Individually and Collectively, the “Released Parties” or “Event Organizers”), with respect to any liability, claim(s), demand(s), cause(s) of action, damage(s), loss or expense (including court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees) of any kind or nature (“Liability”) which may arise out of, result
from, or relate in any way to my participation in the Event, including claims for Liability caused in whole or in part by the negligent acts or omissions of the Released Parties. I further agree that if, despite this Agreement, I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim for Liability against any of the Released Parties, I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from any such Liabilities which any may be incurred
as the result of such claim. Further, I expressly agree that this release and waiver is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the State of Arizona, and that if any portion is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.

I hereby warrant that I am of legal age and competent to enter into this Agreement, that I have read this Agreement carefully, understand its terms and conditions, acknowledge that I will be giving up substantial legal rights by signing it (including the rights of my spouse, children, guardians, heirs and next of kin, and any legal and personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors and assigns), acknowledge that I have signed this
Agreement without any inducement, assurance or guarantee, and intend for my signature to serve as confirmation of my complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement represents the complete understanding between the parties regarding these issues and no oral representations, statements or inducements have been made apart from this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this Agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

I agree and authorize for myself.

If I am representing a minor, I agree as parent or guardian and authorize for the minor.


{{ 'MUST-AGREE' | translate}}

{{ 'MUST-AGREE' | translate}}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

Duo Riders – please be sure that both team members complete a registration form as follows: The Captain completes an entry by selecting Create a Team, naming the team, and selecting the correct Duo race category, and paying in full for the Duo members. The Teammate goes to the online registration form and selects Duo – selects Join a Team – and selects the team name that the Captain has already set. The teammate will not incur a cost for this team entry. Captains – please be sure to share your team name with your teammate and follow up that they complete their own team member entry!!

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

All riders must be covered by either an annual USAC member license or purchase a One-Day pass.

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

Be sure that you USAC license will have a current expiration date for Papago race day (renew now to be sure!) Also be sure to plan to bring your license to show as you collect your ride packet!
{{'VALUE_SHORTER_THAN' | translate:'{char: "20"}' }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ !gigyaLoaded() ? 'GET-ATHLETE-UPDATE-MOBILE' : 'GET-ATHLETE-UPDATE' | translate}}

{{ !gigyaLoaded() ? 'MOBILE-DELIVER' : 'FACEBOOK-DELIVER' | translate}}

{{ 'ITEM-FREE' | translate }} * {{ 'MAKE-SELECTION' | translate }}
  • {{ 'VIEW-IMAGES' | translate }}

{{ entry.storefront.products[product.id].price | currency:"": currency.decimal }}

{{ 'FREE' | translate }}

{{ product.name }}

{{ product.description }}

* {{ 'SHIPMENT-ONLY' | translate }}

* {{ 'EVENT-PICKUP-ONLY' | translate }}

SKU# {{product.sku}}
{{ 'ONLY' | translate }} ({{getProductOptionRemainingQty(option, product.id, entries, true)}}) {{ 'IN-STOCK' | translate }}

{{ 'COUPON-APPLIED' | translate }}

{{ 'INVALID-COUPON' | translate }}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'CORRECT_ERRORS_FOR_ENTRY' | translate }}


{{entry.name | translateIf:entry.translate}}

{{ 'EDIT' | translate }} (errors)

{{item.name | translateIf:item.translate}} :

{{ 'SUBTOTAL' | translate}} :
{{customFee.description}} :
{{ 'PROCESSING_FEE' | translate }} :
{{ 'SALES_FEE' | translate}} :
{{!cart.hasLottery ? ('TOTAL'|translate) : ('TOTAL_CHARGE_AT_CHECKOUT'|translate)}} :

{{item.name | translateIf:item.translate}} :

{{ 'SUBTOTAL' | translate}} :
{{customFee.description}} :
{{ 'PROCESSING_FEE' | translate }} :
{{ 'TOTAL_CHARGE_IF_SELECTED' | translate}} :
{{ 'IF_SELECTED_CHECKOUT' | translate:cart}}

{{ 'PAYMENT-ERROR' | translate}}


  • {{error}}
  • {{errValue}}
{{ 'NO-PAYMENT-REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{'SHIPPING-ADDRESS' | translate}}

{{ 'FIRST-NAME' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'LAST-NAME' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'COUNTRY' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'POSTAL-CODE' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'STREET' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'CITY' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'REGION' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'PAYMENT-INFORMATION' | translate }}

{{ 'MASTERPASS-TAGLINE' | translate }}

{{ 'MASTERPASS-HEADLINE' | translate }}

{{ 'MASTERPASS-DESCRIPTION' | translate }}

{{ 'OR' | translate }}

{{ 'NAME-ON-CARD' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }} {{ 'PAYMENT-NAME-MIN-LENGTH' | translate }}

{{ 'CARD-NUMBER' | translate }}
{{ 'EXPIRATION' | translate }}
{{ 'SECURITY-CODE' | translate }}
{{ 'POSTAL-CODE' | translate }}
{{ 'CARD-NUMBER' | translate }}
{{ 'EXPIRATION' | translate }}
{{ 'SECURITY-CODE' | translate }}
{{ 'POSTAL-CODE' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{'SHIPPING-ADDRESS' | translate}}

{{ 'FIRST-NAME' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'LAST-NAME' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'COUNTRY' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'POSTAL-CODE' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'STREET' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'CITY' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'REGION' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'PAYMENT-INFORMATION' | translate }}

{{ 'NAME-ON-CARD' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }} {{ 'PAYMENT-NAME-MIN-LENGTH' | translate }}

{{ 'CARD-NUMBER' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }} {{ 'INVALID-CREDIT-CARD-NUMBER' | translate }}

{{ 'EXPIRATION' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }} {{ 'INVALID-EXPIRATION-DATE' | translate }}

{{ 'SECURITY-CODE' | translate }} (CSC/CVC/CVV)

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }} {{ 'INVALID-SECURITY-CODE' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}


Get your friends to join you
Have {{entryReferralData.goal}} friends sign up using the link below to receive {{entryReferralData.award | currency:"$"}}
Share to Facebook Copy Referral Link

{{crowdriseTeam.entryName}} Charity Event Fundraising on Crowdrise

{{crowdriseTeam.entryName}}: {{crowdriseTeam.msg}} (Crowdrise error)

The internet browser you are using to access this registration form is not supported. Please upgrade your browser or register on your mobile device.
Scan this QR Code with your mobile device to load the mobile registration form.
Event registration link