In consideration of this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administration, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have now or in the future against TCR Productions LLC, Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe Animal Shelter and any and all sponsors, co-sponsors, agencies, or individuals and their respective successors, officers, agents, and assigns for all injuries, damages, and losses sustained and successors by me as a result of mine or my child’s participation in this race. In particular I understand as the entrant in the Hound Hustle Albuquerque I will keep my animal leached at all time and is responsible for all injuries, damages, and losses sustained and successors by me and my animal. I understand that this is binding upon my heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns. I verify that I am physically t and have sufficiently trained for competition in this event and my physical condition has been varied by a license medical doctor. If, however as a result of my participation in this race I require medical attention. I hereby give my consent to authorize the medical personnel of this race to provide such medical care as is deemed necessary by such authorized personnel. I understand that in the event this race cannot be held as scheduled due to act of God or circumstances beyond control, the race is not liable to refund any money paid by me to participate. Future, I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use photography, videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. I understand that my entry fee is NON-REFUNDABLE, and that the race numbers are non-transferable, As a participating athlete, I certify that all information provided in this form is true and completed. I have read the foregoing and certify by my signature below.