{{ 'SHOW_CART' | translate }} >

{{total | currency:"$"}}


{{eventInfo.startDateUnix | localeLongDate:currentLanguage : 'LLL' : eventInfo.eventTimeZone : true}}


{{ 'COUPON-APPLIED' | translate }}

{{ 'INVALID-COUPON' | translate }}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'COUPON-APPLIED' | translate }}

{{ 'INVALID-SECONDARY-COUPON' | translate }}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'FIRST-NAME' | translate}}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

No emails or URLs allowed

{{ 'IDENT.NAME_CHARS_LONG' | translate}}

{{ 'LAST-NAME' | translate}}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

No emails or URLs allowed

{{ 'IDENT.NAME_CHARS_LONG' | translate}}

{{ 'BIRTH-DATE' | translate}}

{{ 'IDENT.RACE_AGE_BETWEEN' | translate:regOptionAgeTranslate }}

{{ 'IDENT.SERIES_RACE_AGE_ERROR' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{'REQUIRED_DATE_FORMAT' | translate:'{format: eventInfo.displayDateFormat}' }}

{{ 'GENDER' | translate}}

{{ 'REG-OPTION-GENDER-ERROR' | translate}}

{{ 'PRIMARY-PHONE' | translate}}

{{ 'PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'NOT-VALID-PHONE-NUMBER' | translate}}

{{ 'EMAIL' | translate}}

{{ 'EMAIL-CONFIRM' | translate}}

{{ 'PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'SAME-EMAIL' | translate}}

{{ 'PARTICIPANT-CONDITION' | translate}}

{{ 'ADDRESS' | translate }}

{{ 'COUNTRY' | translate}}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'STREET' | translate}}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'STREET_2' | translate}}

{{ 'POSTAL-CODE' | translate}}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}} {{ 'VALID-ZIP' | translate}}

{{ 'CITY' | translate}}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'STATE/REGION' | translate}}

{{ 'PLEASE-PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'EMERGENCY-CONTACT' | translate }}

{{ 'EMERGENCY-CONTACT' | translate}}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'RELATIONSHIP' | translate}}

{{ 'PHONE' | translate}}

{{ 'PROVIDE-VALUE' | translate}}

{{ 'NOT-VALID-PHONE-NUMBER' | translate}}

{{ 'CONTACT-CANNOT-BE-EVENT-P' | translate}}

{{ 'DATA-PRIVACY' | translate}}


{{ eventInfo.marketingConsentQuestionText}}


Read and Agree to the Waiver to Continue                                         
Please read this form carefully and be aware that in registering yourself or your minor child/ward for participation in the Runner's Den Pancake Run (Event) presented by IHOP, you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries you or your child/ward might sustain arising out of your participation in this Event.

 I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to my child or children or myself, including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, death, illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense or any kind, that I or my child or children may experience or incur in connection with my child or children’s attendance at Event.  On my behalf and on behalf of my child or children, I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless and indemnify the Orgnaizers, it's sponsors, Runner's Den, Inc. its employees, agents, and representatives, IHOP, Romulus Inc., the City of Phoenix,  PV Land SPE, LLC, RED Development, LLC and RED Property Management, LLC, along with their respective owners, affiliates, managers, members, partners, related entities, and any and all mortgagors or lenders. USAT&F, Raceplace Events, Inc, Ringtail Racing, Zane Grey 50, LLC, Robert Wallack, its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from any and all claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto.  I understand and agree that this release includes any claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the Organizers, its employees, agents and representatives. 

Media Disclaimer: By participating in Event programs and other special events, a participant expressly grants the Organizers the royalty free license and complete release to take photos and videos of themselves and their children for publication in the program brochure, web site and additional uses as the Organizers deems necessary unless the registrant or participant expressively files with the Event, a written objection as to photos or videos of themselves and/or their children.

Deferrals of 2025 entries to the 2026 event are available by written request only, up to 6pm, Monday, February 3  and are valid for the 2026 event only., While it is our goal that the event continue year to year, in the event of cancellation of the 2026 or future events, there will be no refunds.

 If it is determined that the 2025 event must be cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of the race organizers, all Arizona resident entries will be deferred to the 2026 event and out-of-state registrants will have their entry fees refunded.

I have read and fully understand the program details and waiver and release of all claims. Sanctioned by the AZ Association of USAT&F

{{ 'MUST-AGREE' | translate}}

{{ 'MUST-AGREE' | translate}}

All 5K, 10K and Double Stack adult entrants receive a Brooks Podium technical shirt.  These shirts are available in women's/men's sizing:​ WS, WM, WL, WXL, MXS, MS, MM, ML, MXL, MXX.  Following, we shown the dimensions of each of the shirt sizes.  Following the race, we will offer exchanges from the remaining inventory.  Prior to that time, you are asked to take the shirt you requested when registering. Remaining shirts will be available for sale to the public immediately following the race. 

If your choice of shirt size is not listed, if means it is not currently available but may be available for exchange following the race.

When Donating, select your Donation level from the Drop Down Menu Below

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ !gigyaLoaded() ? 'GET-ATHLETE-UPDATE-MOBILE' : 'GET-ATHLETE-UPDATE' | translate}}

{{ !gigyaLoaded() ? 'MOBILE-DELIVER' : 'FACEBOOK-DELIVER' | translate}}

{{ 'ITEM-FREE' | translate }} * {{ 'MAKE-SELECTION' | translate }}
  • {{ 'VIEW-IMAGES' | translate }}

{{ entry.storefront.products[product.id].price | currency:"": currency.decimal }}

{{ 'FREE' | translate }}

{{ product.name }}

{{ product.description }}

* {{ 'SHIPMENT-ONLY' | translate }}

* {{ 'EVENT-PICKUP-ONLY' | translate }}

SKU# {{product.sku}}
{{ 'ONLY' | translate }} ({{getProductOptionRemainingQty(option, product.id, entries, true)}}) {{ 'IN-STOCK' | translate }}

{{ 'CORRECT_ERRORS_FOR_ENTRY' | translate }}


{{entry.name | translateIf:entry.translate}}

{{ 'EDIT' | translate }} (errors)

{{item.name | translateIf:item.translate}} :

{{ 'SUBTOTAL' | translate}} :
{{customFee.description}} :
{{ 'PROCESSING_FEE' | translate }} :
{{ 'SALES_FEE' | translate}} :
{{!cart.hasLottery ? ('TOTAL'|translate) : ('TOTAL_CHARGE_AT_CHECKOUT'|translate)}} :

{{item.name | translateIf:item.translate}} :

{{ 'SUBTOTAL' | translate}} :
{{customFee.description}} :
{{ 'PROCESSING_FEE' | translate }} :
{{ 'TOTAL_CHARGE_IF_SELECTED' | translate}} :
{{ 'IF_SELECTED_CHECKOUT' | translate:cart}}

{{ 'PAYMENT-ERROR' | translate}}


  • {{error}}
  • {{errValue}}
{{ 'NO-PAYMENT-REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{'SHIPPING-ADDRESS' | translate}}

{{ 'FIRST-NAME' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'LAST-NAME' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'COUNTRY' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'POSTAL-CODE' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'STREET' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'CITY' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'REGION' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'PAYMENT-INFORMATION' | translate }}

{{ 'MASTERPASS-TAGLINE' | translate }}

{{ 'MASTERPASS-HEADLINE' | translate }}

{{ 'MASTERPASS-DESCRIPTION' | translate }}

{{ 'OR' | translate }}

{{ 'NAME-ON-CARD' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }} {{ 'PAYMENT-NAME-MIN-LENGTH' | translate }}

{{ 'CARD-NUMBER' | translate }}
{{ 'EXPIRATION' | translate }}
{{ 'SECURITY-CODE' | translate }}
{{ 'POSTAL-CODE' | translate }}
{{ 'CARD-NUMBER' | translate }}
{{ 'EXPIRATION' | translate }}
{{ 'SECURITY-CODE' | translate }}
{{ 'POSTAL-CODE' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{'SHIPPING-ADDRESS' | translate}}

{{ 'FIRST-NAME' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'LAST-NAME' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'COUNTRY' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'POSTAL-CODE' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'STREET' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'CITY' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'ENTER_VALID_EMAIL' | translate }}

{{ 'REGION' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}

{{ 'PAYMENT-INFORMATION' | translate }}

{{ 'NAME-ON-CARD' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }} {{ 'PAYMENT-NAME-MIN-LENGTH' | translate }}

{{ 'CARD-NUMBER' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }} {{ 'INVALID-CREDIT-CARD-NUMBER' | translate }}

{{ 'EXPIRATION' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }} {{ 'INVALID-EXPIRATION-DATE' | translate }}

{{ 'SECURITY-CODE' | translate }} (CSC/CVC/CVV)

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }} {{ 'INVALID-SECURITY-CODE' | translate }}

{{ 'REQUIRED' | translate }}


Get your friends to join you
Have {{entryReferralData.goal}} friends sign up using the link below to receive {{entryReferralData.award | currency:"$"}}
Share to Facebook Copy Referral Link

{{crowdriseTeam.entryName}} Charity Event Fundraising on Crowdrise

{{crowdriseTeam.entryName}}: {{crowdriseTeam.msg}} (Crowdrise error)

The internet browser you are using to access this registration form is not supported. Please upgrade your browser or register on your mobile device.
Scan this QR Code with your mobile device to load the mobile registration form.
Event registration link