Famous Idaho Potato Volunteers

May 18, 2018 1:00 PM MDT
Boise, ID

Volunteer for one of the largest YMCA Events! We are asking for volunteers to help with the Famous Idaho Potato Marathon on the course, at packet pick up and setting up and breaking down. We have lots of available shifts and responsibilities. Large groups are welcome.

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If the participant is younger than 13, enter the guardian's email address.



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Read and agree to the waiver to continue

Release from Liability 
I understand that accidents may occur during my volunteer activities. By signing below, I release the YMCA, its agents, directors, consultants, and employees from all liabilities based on any damage, loss, or injury, whether it is the result of ordinary negligence or otherwise, caused to me or my dependent from participation as a volunteer.   
Abuse Prevention 
I understand that the YMCA will take any allegations or suspicions of child abuse seriously and will report such allegations to the police and state agencies for investigation. I also understand that if selected as a YMCA volunteer, at all possible times I am to avoid being alone with a single child where I cannot be observed by other staff or adults at the Y. 
Volunteer Terms
I agree to abide by the YMCA's policies, procedures, Child Abuse Prevention and Code of Conduct. I understand the YMCA does not provide any health benefits (i.e. medical, dental, worker's compensation, etc.) or any accident insurance for me as a volunteer; I understand it is my responsibility to provide this coverage. I understand and agree that if I am volunteering, there is no contract period and my volunteer service will be solely "at will", giving either me or the YMCA the right to terminate my volunteer service at any time without liability or obligation. I further understand that the Treasure Valley Family YMCA does not provide volunteer compensation for any requested volunteer services which I provide, or trade volunteer services for membership or program fees.  
 Photography Permission
I agree to abide by the YMCA's policies, procedures, Child Abuse Prevention and Code of Conduct. I understand the YMCA does not provide any health benefits (i.e. medical, dental, worker's compensation, etc.) or any accident insurance for me as a volunteer; I understand it is my responsibility to provide this coverage. I understand and agree that if I am volunteering, there is no contract period and my volunteer service will be solely "at will", giving either me or the YMCA the right to terminate my volunteer service at any time without liability or obligation. I further understand that the Treasure Valley Family YMCA does not provide volunteer compensation for any requested volunteer services which I provide, or trade volunteer services for membership or program fees. 
Medical Treatment 
I give permission for YMCA representatives to provide or arrange for emergency care for me, and to arrange for transport to an emergency center for treatment. I consent to medical treatment deemed immediately necessary or advisable by a physician if I am unable to act on my own behalf. I further understand that the YMCA is not  
responsible for payment for such medical treatment. 
Program Volunteer Eligibility 
An applicant must meet all of the below standards prior to being considered eligible for any employment or program volunteer opportunities with the Treasure Valley Family YMCA. Meeting these standards does not guarantee eligibility. 
1. Has not at any time received a withheld judgment, or has not at any time been convicted of any crime committed against children, child pornography, or any offense involving sexual misconduct, pandering, or prostitution 
2. Is not registered, or has failed to register if required, as a sex offender in the state of Idaho as provided by law. 
3. Has never been convicted or had a withheld judgment for any crime of violence. 
4. Has not had a conviction or withheld judgment within the three (3) years preceding the date of application of a crime if it directly pertains to the success of the job being performed. 
A Branch Executive Director or higher may submit an appeal on behalf of a potential volunteer or employee that does not meet the above standards. An e-mail requesting the exemption and stating the rationale must be sent to his/her supervisor. After required consultation with the HR Executive, if the supervisor chooses to approve the exemption, he/she must forward the e-mail to Employee Docs stating his/her approval. 
Do you meet all Volunteer Eligibility Criteria?   
Property Loss
I understand the YMCA is not responsible for my personal property lost, damaged or stolen while participating in YMCA volunteer activities. 
Electronic Signature of Applicant 
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the above statement and that I voluntarily sign this application. Please do not sign until you have read and initialed the above statements.  
Electronic Parent/Guardian Signature 
 In the case that the registrant is under eighteen (18) years old, a parent or legal guardian must sign on behalf of the registrant. 

I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the above statement and that I voluntarily sign this application. Please do not sign until you have read and initialed the above statements. 


You must agree to the waiver to continue

You must agree to the waiver to continue

You must scroll to the bottom of the waiver to consent.

Select your Volunteer t-shirt Size: The t-shirts are unisex

We do our best to provide volunteer shirts for everyone. Please provide your shirt size, the shirts are unisex and short sleeve. 


Friday, May 18th Packet Pick Up & Set Up

Famous Idaho Potato Packet Pick Up is located at Albertson's Headquarters Parking Lot off of Parkcenter Blvd. Volunteers will help with assigning bib numbers, late registrations and setting up the start and finish area.

Famous Idaho Potato Race Day Volunteer Jobs

Volunteers for race day are needed all over. From handing out water to handing out medals. We need volunteers to help set up, break down, assist with late registration and more.

Help us stuff the packets and create supply boxes for water stations. We need to make 1500 packets before race day.

May 9th 5:30-8pm We will be meeting at the YMCA Corporate Offices at 1177 W State St. We will stuff packets and get Water Station supplies ready.

Event Store

Checkout Summary

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Subtotal : $0.00
Service fee : $0.00
Sales Tax : $0.00
Total : $0.00
Subtotal : $0.00
Service fee : $0.00
Total charge if selected : $0.00
* If selected for the lottery, the full amount due will be charged on your card on or about

Payment Information

No payment is required. Click 'Submit' to finalize your registration.
This charge will appear on your bank statement as (Event-Name)-CT or CHRONOTRACK and our business address in Louisville, CO.

You're Registered!

Your registration is complete. A charge of $0.00 from ChronoTrack Live will appear on your next credit card bill as (Event-Name)-CT or CHRONOTRACK and our business address in Louisville, CO.

A confirmation email from Chronotrack <> has been sent to you with links and instructions for each participant to view and edit their registration.
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