2017 Go BIG for Parkinson’s Event

October 14, 2017 8:00 AM MDT
Flagstaff, AZ

The Go BIG for Parkinson's Race was started in 2006 by the NAU Physical Therapy Program with the help of the Arizona chapter of the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) to have fun while raising awareness, community involvement, and financial support for persons with Parkinson's living in Northern Arizona.

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THIS RELEASE IS A CONTRACT WITH LEGAL CONSEQUENCES.  READ IT CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in this event, program, and related activities, I ___________________:

1)      Acknowledge and fully understand that I will be participating in activities that may or may not involve risk of serious injury, permanent disability, property damage and/or death.  These risks may result not only from my own actions, inactions, or negligence, but also from the action, inactions, or negligence of others.  Further, there may be other risks not known to me, or not reasonably foreseeable, such as disability or death.

2)      Assume all the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for any damages following any such injury, permanent disability, property damage, or death.

3)      Release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue the State of Arizona, the Arizona Board of Regents, Northern Arizona University, their officers, employees and agents, and their heirs, administrators, and executors, from demands, losses, or damages on account of injury, including death or damage to property, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of any person or otherwise, for myself and my spouse, if any, and our heirs,  successors, and assigns.

4)      Understand that the State of Arizona, the Arizona Board of Regents, and Northern Arizona University do not provide medical coverage to a participant if injured while participating in the event described above or attendant activities.  Any medical costs incurred as a result of this activity will be my financial responsibility.


Additionally, I grant Go BIG for Parkinson's and the NAU PT Department, its representatives and employees the
right to take photographs of me and my property in connection with
Go BIG for Parkinson's. I authorize NAU PT and the APDA, its
assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically.
I agree that NAU Physical Therapy and the APDA may use such photographs of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.
I have read and understand the above.

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Would you like to make a Donation?

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90% of proceeds to AZ chapter of the American Parkinson’s Disease Association, 10% to NAU Department of Physical Therapy

Checkout Summary

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Subtotal : $0.00
Service fee : $0.00
Sales Tax : $0.00
Total : $0.00
Subtotal : $0.00
Service fee : $0.00
Total charge if selected : $0.00
* If selected for the lottery, the full amount due will be charged on your card on or about

Payment Information

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This charge will appear on your bank statement as (Event-Name)-CT or CHRONOTRACK and our business address in Louisville, CO.

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Your registration is complete. A charge of $0.00 from ChronoTrack Live will appear on your next credit card bill as (Event-Name)-CT or CHRONOTRACK and our business address in Louisville, CO.

A confirmation email from Chronotrack <> has been sent to you with links and instructions for each participant to view and edit their registration.
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